Day 25 - Morning Turtle

The turtle Steve and I saw at 4am today ended up laying her eggs super close to a nest that was hatching. I was pulling out hatchlings from the sand right behind her and they looked so tiny next to a huge adult. I was releasing some near the sea when the female begun laying so I missed the first few eggs so the egg count was slightly approximate. At 5am the sun started to come up and the female was still camouflaging the nest. She was a new turtle which means she hadn’t nested in the beach before and had no tags. Steve put in the pit tag and I got to tag her flippers which was a bit  like giving her two ear piercings, she didn’t flinch or anything she was still in her trance like state. It was a really cool experience and I’m going to adopt her so I’ll get updates whenever she nests as she was my first tagging 🙂


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