
Showing posts from June, 2023

Ascension Island Marine festival 2023

On the 10th June 2023, the AIG Conservation and Fisheries Directorate hosted their second annual marine festival. The day was mainly organised by the outreach and engagement officer Lorna and the Marine team lead Tiff and the main theme was the deep sea. The festival included stalls from local artists selling their work, jewellery and other crafts, kids under the sea themed activities, we also had VR head-sets with 360 videos of Ascension from drone footage, under the water 360 footage from ascensions waters and under the sea games. There was a sea rescue demonstration, a play by the two boats school drama club called ‘deep sea adventure’ the story of Darwin, Einstein and Steve Irwin travelling to the bottom of the Mariana trench, the guides and brownies did a performance of under the sea, the MPA youth committee had a bake sale and competition stall, there was a fishing competition and Toby had a stall about his plastics project, and Dan had a stall about his shark project.