January 2023 Ascension Highlights!
January has been a very busy month! The week of the 16th January we hit hitting over 100 tracks in one night meaning over 50 turtles made their way onto the beach that night with over 40 nests counted for that night. We also started turtle strandings checks as we had a couple incidences of turtles being found stuck in rockpools etc. after trying to return to the sea after nesting and getting stuck. So on the 13th January we started our official stranding checks and had two turtle strandings on the first day! The morning of the 19th January and 20th January also brought our first morning turtles or ‘dawnies’ as some people call them – which means turtles who are still finishing the nesting process when we arrive to count and rake. On the 19th Jan I was counting tracks at Pan Am whilst Anna and Abi were counting and raking nests and I heard sand being flicked and the heavy sighing of a sea turtle and looked up to see a turtle camouflaging her nest. I sat with her whilst she