
Showing posts from August, 2022

Week 2 & 3 Costa Rica! Excavation, Jaguars, Kayaking and New people

I'm a bit late to posting this blog as I've been super busy with writing up my project. I've now been in Costa Rica for three weeks in total which has absolutely flown by. Since my last blog post a lot has happened. I've been on many night patrols, as we hit the peak nesting season we're now sometimes seeing over 200 nests a night on each side Boca/Park, just the northmost 8km of the beach! My record for number of turtles worked in a night is now 11, compared to the 4 I had the week before! Its been really fun to get out and do lots of hands on fieldwork and build my confidence in tagging and PIT tagging the turtles. The moon has been a lot brighter at night which has been much nicer at night and the weather this week has been a lot nicer. My project supervisor Roldan also came back to the centre at the beginning of last week just for a few days, and we had a really fun afternoon all playing frisbee on the beach.  Last week we had Ian from the Coastal Jaguar Conserv